Ascending Arrows Template

Dates are one of the most emblematic graphic symbols that indicate a direction or a sense that can vary. In the field of business and finance, the most commonly used arrows are those with an upward direction, as they indicate progress and development. That's why this upward arrows template for PowerPoint and Google Slides features formal and elegant design. Which is necessary for making professional business presentations.

The upward arrows template has 36 slides for you to choose the one that best suits your requirements to start making your presentation. The best thing is that it has elements such as charts, graphs, diagrams, timelines and images in high quality and royalty free. This ppt template designed inspired by the dates above is available in Google Slides, PowerPoint and Canva.

Free Ascending Arrows Template for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Main features

  • Gather 36 slides for you to choose from
  • The size does not exceed 16:9
  • Has a variety of graphics that can be changed
  • Includes high quality images
  • Has a variety of icons that can be adapted according to the needs of your presentations
  • The type of character used in the template is Calibri
  • The predominant color is Orange

Download this template

These are the features contained in this and other business templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides that we put at your disposal for free download. The main advantage of these digital resources is that they are available in different platforms for presentations, so you can choose the one you master the most.

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