Avocado Template

The avocado is a large fruit, generally green with yellow flesh. It is used in multiple preparations, especially in salads and sauces. Its nutritional contribution is basically in magnesium, potassium and vitamin E, giving it an antioxidant characteristic. The avocado template will be ideal for presentations on this fruit that contains good and necessary fats for the organism.

Avocado template for PowerPoint and Google Slides are beautiful and created inspired by this fruit. As well as the slides that each presentation has. As they were designed by experts, our ppt materials are the most beautiful on the internet. So don't stick to the old boring templates and give your projects that extra touch. Best of all, we now have this exclusive resource on Canva, where you have more editing freedom to present your theme.

Free Avocado Template for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Main features

  • 36 slides 100% editable
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all screens
  • High quality royalty-free images
  • Included resources: charts, graphs, timelines and diagrams
  • More than 100 icons customizable in color and size
  • Main font: QuickSand
  • Predominant color: Green

Download this template

One outstanding feature of fruits is how refreshing they are, especially in summer. That's why here we bring you some fruit templates that will bring freshness to your presentations. Beautiful backgrounds, vibrant colors and much more are contained in our resources. Don't hesitate and download for free the one that most resembles your project.

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