Creative Bulb Style Template

The light bulb or spotlight in general reflects the emergence of thoughts and ideas coming from our brain. Light towards an answer or adversity is one of the common terms with this item, that's why in the layouts it's associated with creativity. If you are looking for a proposal that will highlight your presentation, there is no doubt that the creative light bulb style template is more than enough to fulfill that and more innovation themes.

Our creative light bulb template for PowerPoint and Google Slides features a select list of fully editable vectors and images in full quality. Plus, you can edit your slides online with Canva, so you have the option to make presentations with the help of your friends and without leaving home. And so that you don't miss out on this great design, you can download this ppt resource for free and have it as your first choice for any activity.

Free Creative Bulb Style Template for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Main features

  • 34 slides 100% editable
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all screens
  • High quality royalty-free images
  • Included resources: charts, graphs, timelines and diagrams
  • More than 100 icons customizable in color and size
  • Main font: Arial
  • Predominant color: Turqouise

Download this template

Following this line of design, we bring you many creative PowerPoint templates and Google Slides themes with this proposed style. In this category you will have several options available, the best thing is that you can choose any and have it completely free, you can even use them very easily, because they are all 100% editable.

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