Creative World Template
Creativity encompasses the trend of craftsmanship and arts made with different materials. It's how you use what you have on hand to make beautiful and distinctive works. Nowadays it is inevitable not to find videos, images and tutorials that explain step by step how to execute almost anything. On this website we are not left out, and we have the creative world template that contains attractive designs.
Thanks to the design of its slides, this creative world template for PowerPoint, Google Slides and Canva is your best choice. Full of creativity in every element that composes them, they are an indispensable tool to take your presentations to another level. By accessing our website, you will be able to download the templates you want and edit them according to your needs. Don't wait any longer and choose your favorite one.
Free Creative World Template for PowerPoint and Google Slides
Main features
- 36 slides 100% editable
- 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all screens
- High quality royalty-free images
- Included resources: charts, graphs, timelines and diagrams
- More than 100 icons customizable in color and size
- Main font: Lemon
- Predominant color: Light blue
Download this template
The creative templates for Google Slides and PowerPoint contain many elements that enhance their visual appeal, highlighting their harmony and colors. That is why they are the most sought after by all art enthusiasts and craft lovers. So show that artistic side in your projects and presentations.