Space Station Template

The creation of a space station was done in order to carry out activities in outer space. In case it is small it is sent to orbit into space already assembled, in case it is large it is sent in parts so that it can be assembled in space. To perfect the knowledge of this topic it is important to use this space station template in your presentation, as its images are a great support for better understanding.

The great scope that has this space station template for PowerPoint and Google Slides is its variety of resources such as graphs, tables and vectors 100% editable. In addition, in its 36 slides you can notice a content already predefined by experts in digital themes, so we assure you order and precision for your presentation. All you have to do is download this free ppt resource and edit it in your favorite program, of course you can also use it in Canva.

Free Space Station Template for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Main features

  • 36 slides 100% editable
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all screens
  • High quality royalty-free images
  • Included resources: charts, graphs, timelines and diagrams
  • More than 100 icons customizable in color and size
  • Main font: Lexend Giga Black
  • Predominant color: Blue

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Talking about technology brings to mind the great advances, and remember how you saw things before and how you see them now. For this reason we offer you a large number of technology templates, all these ppt resources have the most modern techniques for presentations today.

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